Rainscreen cladding

Rainscreen Cladding

Rainscreen cladding delivers an outer weather-resistant skin fixed to a primary structure, either new or existing, using fully adjustable brackets.

The system is a form of double-wall construction that uses an outer layer to keep out the rain and an inner layer to provide thermal insulation, prevent excessive air leakage and carry wind loading. The outer layer breathes like a skin while the inner layer reduces energy losses. The structural frame of the building is kept absolutely dry, as water never reaches it or the thermal insulation.

The fully drained and ventilated system allows for any ingress from driven rain to be channeled and drained, allowing any residual moisture to be taken care of by a natural thermocycling process.

New primary construction methods using metal stud built-up walls and structural insulated panel systems (SIPS) are fast becoming the preferred method of construction as they can provide increased speed of erection with greater thermal efficiency. This provides a dry envelope much earlier in the construction program.


  • New & Refurbishment projects
  • Highly effective thermal insulant
  • Excellent weather-proofing
  • Limited combustibility
  • Fast installation
  • No visible fixings
Product Advantages

Windell use StoVentec Glass, a ventilated Rainscreen cladding system with prefab panel finish. This lightweight, ventilated system is available with a range of attractive panellised glass finishes. The panels are bespoke manufactured with a high quality, prestressed glass surface which can be finished to meet a project’s colour and size requirements.

Through bespoke manufacture a wide variety of design options are available. The glass panels can be coloured to match any RAL Palette system, screen-printed and even curved for exquisite effect, with a minimum radius of 500mm. With the RAL colour and screen-printing options, the colour or design is applied to the rear of the panel ensuring the finish is not degraded by weathering.

The glass panel system can be intermixed with Stone and Render panels to allow the architect latitude with the architectural aesthetic.

The system can incorporate suitable insulation materials to meet U-value requirements.

This ventilated Rainscreen cladding system with glass panels is a lightweight system delivering at approximately 30kg/m2.

An additional benefit to the system is no wet trade requirement and the prefabricated panels can be quickly and easily installed in all weather conditions.

Product Construction

The core element of StoVentec Glass is the carrier board produced in the innovative material expanded glass granulate. The outstanding properties of this recycled glass material include low thermal and hygric expansion, weather resistance, low weight and ecological purity.

The low coefficient of expansion of expanded glass granulate and the low modulus of elasticity of the carrier board ensure that changes in temperature give rise to only very minimal forces in the joints of the boarding. This minimises the risk of cracking which is crucial to producing dependable large-area facades.

As a ventilated facade insulation system, StoVentec offers crucial advantages over conventional insulation systems. The system features a cavity between the insulation layer and the render carrier board. A continuous exchange of air is possible in this cavity, substantially facilitating the discharge of moisture.

In refurbishment projects, however severe the damage to the substrate, a solution is at hand. The adaptable sub-construction permits variable spacing between wall and render carrier board. This levels out unevenness and provides for absolutely perpendicular surfaces, however extreme the irregularities involved. Fixation problems are virtually unheard of, even on moist, cracked walls or unstable old plaster. The creation of a smooth exterior surface provides benefits in low maintenance costs.

The panels can be manufactured in any size up to a maximum of 2600 x 1250 mm, either horizontally or vertically. Panel edges are normally finished flush with the carrier board, and a finished edge removes any sharp corners. For elevation edge pieces, especially corners, the carrier board can be chamfered away from the glass or set back.

StoVentec Glass has achieved National Technical Approval in Germany and is the only system where glass is adhesively fixed to a carrier board with approval in Europe. Facade heights up to 100m and soffit heights up to 20m are included in the approval. 


The modular four component system comprises of:

1: Sub-construction

Sub-construction consisting of Sto-Aluminium  Wall Brackets with Sto-Aluminium Support Rails. Sto-Screw Fixings for anchoring to panel, masonry, concrete, brickwork and blockwork substrates.

2: Insulation

Sto-Rainscreen Duo Slab mineral fibre insulation board provides high thermal performance and fire protection. Thickness variable according to thermal insulation requirements.

Thickness: 50 to 105mm

Dimensions: 100 x 60cm

3: Agraffe profiles

Aluminium profiles fitted to the sub-construction to receive StoVerotec Glass Panel.

4: Exterior Panel

StoVerotec Glass Panel : 6mm toughened glass bonded to the reinforced, 96% recycled glass granulate StoVentec Carrier board using a silicone based glass adhesive. The Agraffe aluminium channels are affixed to the rear of the carrier board ensuring fixings are not visible in the glass panels.

To learn more about this product and for detailed information browse through the datasheets below.